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LincolnBrody Ltd is a full-service independent publishing company specialising in Free, Family-focused Magazines and Customer Titles.

From the get-go in July 2011 parents have been our prime target audience. Parents of babies, toddlers and school age children. Our publications have sought to provide inspiration, advice, entertainment and straightforward ways to save time and money.
Whether via our own portfolio of supermarket available Mum’s and Family Survival Guide magazines or our Tumble Tots customer titles, mum tends to be our focus. We talk to her not only as a parent but also a woman, the backbone of the family unit and the key decision maker for family budget spend. She makes multiple purchasing decisions every day and is the key influencer when it comes to choosing products and services for herself, her children, her family and the home. Our magazines provide a positive environment for our advertisers to reach and influence her.